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»Long Time No Post
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Ya Allah dah lame sgt tk bukak blog, rasenya dah setahun kot, tu pon lupa yg ade blog selame ni. 
This year adalah tahun aku paling sibuk dkt sekolah kut cos of my PMR. 
But Alhamdulillah dah lepas semuanya and now tgh tawakkal & doa byk2 tggu result keluar tk lame lagi. Haihh im so so so so nervous hmm btw Allah yg akan tentukan apa yg aku akan dpt nnti, jdi aku kena redha dan terima seadanya, tpi aku ttp mengharapkan keputusan yg terbaik nnti. InsyaAllah Amin~ 
Okay memandangkan dah bulan 12 means dah nk dekat dgn tahun 2014, and I will turn 16 next year, and 1 years away from SPM. SubhanAllah cepatnye masa berlalu. 
Tak sangka aku dah nk msuk tingkatan 4, mmg since aku dah sekolah menengah mmg terase sgt yg masa ni terlalu cpt. And i've started to miss all those memories of this year. Also i can see how fast people changed, i mean how cool does puberty had made us became so matured year by year. 
Woah, i cant even remember what i did all these years, tahu2 je dah nk masuk 2014. Dan aku sgt bersyukur kepada Mu Ya Allah kerana masih bgi aku peluang sekali lagi untuk terus bernafas di bumi ini. Oklah i think thats all for today, InsyaAllah kalau ada masa i will keep on updating my blog soon.

Quotes for today:
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
-George Bernard Shaw

words spilled @ 9:05 AM / leave goosebumps here